Marta Lopes & Family, Portugal
Edgar is a dedicated professional with an exceptional sense of responsibility and professionalism.
It brings Feng Shui a practical, consistent and translated vision for laypeople like me. It also brings the credibility and evidence that Feng Shui deserves, so important so that it does not become a "fashion" with little foundation.
The analysis of the plan and energy of my house allowed him to see how the energy circulated: where there were blockages and where it could unblock and flow more harmoniously. Particularly in my daughter's room, I noticed the regulation of sleep and its more peaceful awakening. We have to consider that the adaptations take some time and that there are changes that we don't want to put into practice, but with Edgar's clarifications everything is clear and we know the reasons for each suggestion presented.
As everything around us is energy, so is our home and our relationships. In the last year we have spent more time at home, and some situations that already exist in us (in me particularly) have become even more evident. The energy analysis also allowed me to look inside and understand how my energy and that of the house were connected and that was impressive. I am very grateful to Edgar for all his advice and all his efforts.
I highly recommend him. :)

Ghada Shehada & Family, Kuwait
I am glad I worked with Edgar on my apartment. To start the energy in the house is lighter. I used to have nightmares everyday before working with him. Now I rarely have them. I also used to feel heavy every time I set in the living room. Edgar advised to change the seating position and it totally changed how I feel.
I do recommend working with him and implementing his recommendations.
The effect can be life changing.

Ana Lourenço & Family, Portugal
Edgar did a feng shui consultation based on the floor plan of our house, and although it was a remote project, Edgar showed immense availability and a great ability to communicate and explain things to us. He did a detailed analysis of the energies in our house and always explained everything in a very simple and practical way.
He explained in detail the recommendations that we should implement and the benefits associated with each one, so that we could later evaluate the results. His analysis undoubtedly allowed us to get to know our home better and through his recommendations we created a more balanced and harmonious environment that improve very various aspects of our lives.
I highlight in particular the changes that we implemented in our son's room, which proved to be the right ones. It improved the quality of his sleep, he started to have more peaceful nights, without the constant waking up at night. Something that was recurring.
I always recommend Edgar!"

Sofia Fale, Portugal
Encontro-me num processo de busca interior de sentido e significado e neste processo de transformação tive o privilegio de me cruzar com o Edgar que veio trazer alicerces à minha intenção e confiança à minha vontade. O Edgar mostrou desde o primeiro momento entrega para acolher o que importava, disponibilidade para acompanhar todo o processo e generosidade na partilha de informação relevante para mim.
A avaliação que foi feita no meu caso específico prendia-se directamente com o meu espaço de repouso e fluxo de energia que circula na casa, foi necessário alterar o meu espaço de repouso para alcançar o equilíbrio, que claro está, precisou de tempo de adaptação.
Sinto que as mudanças que foram sugeridas e concretizadas me permitiram Tomar e manter decisões muito importantes para o meu bem estar, como é o exemplo de finalmente ter conseguido deixar de fumar mas outras igualmente importantes tem vindo a ocorrer como alteração de rotinas ao deitar e acordar e a mais desafiante de todas, regulação do sono.
Sinto que com o apoio do Edgar, ganhei uma atmosfera saudável, rodeada de um fluxo de energia positiva que me permite ser mais confiante e sentir-me encorajada a viver outros desafios e oportunidades que possam surgir.

Marta Sião, Portugal
A brilliant service done by a special person! I advise everyone! In fact, it should be mandatory! Small changes with real life effects!

Marta & Alex, UK
Edgar helped us with feng shui when we moved to our new house. He is very passionate about his work and he really explains it well, being considerate to our individual needs.
I am very pleased with the outcome, both me and my boyfriend feel in peace in our new house and I would recommend Edgar’s work to everyone who may need to find that extra inner balance and peace.
Thank you so much for your support!